Equity Allies Giving Circle Welcomes New Members

A group of Community Foundation donors committed to addressing equity issues in Greensboro has launched the Equity Allies Giving Circle. An outgrowth of the Equity Allies affinity group, founded in 2019, the giving circle focuses on pooling members’ donations to make impact grants that target systemic inequities in Greensboro. Led by Robin Lane, the group includes about 20 Community Foundation donors and meets regularly to learn about and discuss local issues involving social and racial inequities. Circle members are currently exploring the causes and effects of medical debt, particularly on people of color, with a plan to make an initial grant by the end of the year. “We are viewing our work through a justice lens,” Lane said. “We want to address root causes of social and racial inequities, advocating for and funding ideas and programs that go beyond charity.” The circle is open to anyone affiliated with the Community Foundation and welcomes new members, with an initial donation of $2,500 per household required for participation in the leadership, or decision-making, group. Funds can be transferred directly from a CFGG DAF to the Giving Circle fund. For more information, please contact Robin Lane at robin7.lane@gmail.com or at (336) 312-8802. —  Ann Morris

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