Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro: Celebrating 40 Years
Kabrina Shamburger
October 20, 2023
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Donor advised funds (DAFs) are an incredibly popular way of giving if you want to make a difference, but don’t have enough resources to set up your own private foundation. Here are just a few of our favorite reasons to open a donor advised fund with the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (CFGG).
Give however is best for you
Donor advised funds can be opened and added to with traditional methods like cash, credit card, and check. We also even accept stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, life insurance, and estate gifts!
Our expertise
We vet every requested DAF grant through IRS guidelines to ensure all gifts go to legitimate public charities, big or small, and can even direct grants internationally. You receive reports each time you direct grants as well as quarterly reports on your fund’s balance. Want to make your gifts to charities anonymously? No problem!
CFGG has connections with over 700 local nonprofits. If you’re overwhelmed by the number of charities doing great work in the community, we’re here to help you research and support those that are doing the work you care most about right here in Greensboro – whether that’s healthcare access, environmental causes, or food insecurity.
Tax benefits
You can make tax season easier on yourself by directing all your charitable giving to your Donor Advised Fund, and you’ll only have to keep track of one gift receipt. Then, you can direct your grants to your favorite non-profit organizations at any time of year – no more rushing to make sure you get it all done before December 31 to be eligible for write-offs.
If you have a big year in the stock market, you can eliminate capital gains taxes by donating those shares straight to your DAF. Similarly, if you’re selling a property, business, or other large entity, opening a donor-advised fund with the profits can help manage the tax hit you could otherwise take.
If you donate consistently, you can “pre-pay” multiple years’ worth of donations into a donor advised fund and utilize the tax deduction in a single year. For example, if you usually give $10,000 annually, you can donate five years’ worth to the DAF and claim the deduction for $50,000 in a single year; then, you can direct a grant of $10,000 each year to your charity of choice for the next five years.
Keep it going
We can document your wishes for how you’d like your donor advised fund to be managed after your lifetime – whether that’s appointing a successor advisor or moving your funds to a permanent endowment that will contribute to your favorite causes in perpetuity. Additionally, assets in a fund aren’t subject to estate taxes, so they can help reduce the burden on your family after you’re gone.
DAFs are a great way to set up your family’s next generation to be philanthropic; you can even open donor advised funds for your children or grandchildren.
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro awards $12,000
Southeastern Guilford High is this year’s winner of the Hubert B. Humphrey Jr. School Improvement Award. Superintendent Oakley presented the award on Tuesday during the annual State of Our Community event sponsored by the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce.
The Humphrey Award is designed to “enhance a comprehensive school improvement plan that supports collaboration and leads toward improved student achievement.” A selection committee reviews certain academic metrics and considers how each school plans to engage the community, serve diverse student populations, and improve student outcomes.
Principal Christopher Scott took the helm of Southeast before the 2022-2023 school year. Throughout the year, he and the school’s new administrative team utilized input from stakeholders to honor the history of the school, address concerns from stakeholders, and implement research-based high-yield strategies to support staff and students. The strategies played a role in improving the graduation rate, lost instructional days, and teacher retention.
“I am proud of the Southeast Guilford High School team and the leadership of Principal Scott. Over the last year, they have implemented a robust set of strategies to improve academic performance while supporting the well-being of students,” Superintendent Oakley said.
The school will receive $12,000, which it will use to focus on student support. The school plans to update the space students use for E-therapy sessions and install sensory boxes for students in each administrator and counseling office. It also plans to use the money to support its attendance plan and improve the transition from middle to high school by hosting quarterly meetings for first-year students and their families.
Hubert B. “Hugh” Humphrey was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation from 1981 until he passed away in 2003. Revered by fellow trustees and staff, Humphrey also served as legal counsel to the foundation. In November 2003, the trustees created the Hubert B. Humphrey Jr. School Improvement Award to honor his dedication. The Foundation established a fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, which is used each year to support the cash award.
About Guilford County Schools
Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in North Carolina and among the largest of more than 14,000 in the United States, serves nearly 70,000 PK-12 students at 126 schools. With approximately 9,800 employees, GCS works in partnership with parents, businesses, colleges, and the community to deliver an education that connects student interests and skills with the careers and economy of our future here and around the world. We provide educational choices to meet individual student needs in culturally diverse citizenship and new opportunities to help our students grow. For more information, visit the district’s website at
Over the years, society’s view of what philanthropy is and who can be a philanthropist has drastically changed.
Research has shown that women play a central role in the charitable giving space. There has been a shift in our culture whereas women are making more independent financial decisions. As a result, there has been a rise in the role women play in philanthropy. From donating to giving circles to holding leadership roles within charitable organizations, the presence of women in philanthropy is increasing.
In this edition of The Conversation, CFGG’s Director of ETWI and Guilford Apprenticeship Partners, Ann Flynt, provides insight into her journey and experience being a woman working in philanthropy.
How does your career at CFGG help and/or influence your passion and goal in life?
All my life, I have felt the need to help people, but also wanted to excel in the business world. I began my career as a commercial underwriter for a large insurance company right out of college, but then life happened — I got married and quickly became the mother of 2 children. I was lucky to be able to stay home and take care of my 2 children for 7 years while my husband worked to support the family. When I decided to re-enter the workforce, I switched from my business focus to becoming an educator. The daughter of a college professor who spent her entire life around college campuses, becoming an educator was in my blood — there were a number of family members who were educators.
I began my career as a teacher assistant, and I worked my way up from a teacher assistant to a teacher, to assistant principal, to finally principal, earning additional college degrees and credentials along the way. But being the CEO of a school was not all that I thought it would be. So, I went looking for something new that would not only challenge me but also use my business and education knowledge and background. I was lucky enough to find that perfect position here at CFGG when I was hired as the Four County Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator with the Eastern Triad Workforce Initiative. I could not believe how lucky I was to not only find the perfect position, but also the best mentor and boss in Donna Newton who was the Director of Workforce Initiatives at CFGG. In my new role, I would be working with students, parents, educators, business-people, and community members. It was the perfect fit — a balance of education and workforce — with a focus on apprenticeships.
Apprenticeships are the gold standard of the workforce, and how blessed was I to have the opportunity to help develop Guilford Apprenticeship Partners (GAP) youth apprenticeship program. Helping young people find their career pathway and giving them the opportunity to earn a college degree with no debt, while also building a career for themselves — how powerful and rewarding! The work that GAP does is life-changing and truly inspirational as I get to see young people find their calling while also blossoming into adulthood! Additionally, I get to use both my business and education background.
How do you overcome the challenges you face?
I believe with hard work, faith, and determination you can overcome and survive any challenge you face. My family is a source of strength to me when I have had to deal with difficult situations, and I know that they will always be there cheering me on, telling me that I can do it! I am so thankful to have such a supportive family— Family means everything to me!!
What is a quote that empowers/inspires you?
This quote from Winston Churchill truly inspires me:
Success is not final
Failure is not fatal
It is the courage to continue that counts.
What advice would you like to give to other women?
I would like to encourage women to support each other, encourage each other, and band together to continue to make our community stronger and stronger each day!
Passion to Purse and YWCA Greensboro are empowering women to start small businesses as a big step toward financial security.
In 2015, the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro’s Women to Women endowment fund awarded its first-ever, multi-year grant to Passion to Purse. This program, offered through YWCA Greensboro, is aimed at ending the cycle of poverty and homelessness by helping low-income and minority women start micro-enterprises.
While the core of the program remains an eight-week course covering business development, market research, pricing, and financial projections, it also offers a safe space for these women.
“It was like a support group for them,” said Rosalyn Womack, founding director of Passion to Purse. As the women worked on their individual businesses, they were also helping each other through the adversities they faced in their own personal lives.
Now in its fifth year, Passion to Purse has countless success stories of helping women create jobs for themselves. From selling hair products and hand-made soaps to opening bakeries and online consignment stores for designer children’s clothing, the “graduates” of Passion to Purse can be found living and thriving across our community.
The program is also thriving. Since receiving its first grant from Women to Women, Passion to Purse has been able to secure additional funding due in part to the prestige of that first grant.
“It makes other funders very comfortable [to know that] Women to Women found it fundable,” said Lindy Garnette, Chief Executive Officer of YWCA Greensboro.
To learn how you can donate to causes like this and others that are empowering people to create better lives for themselves, contact us today.