Arc of Greensboro helps connect people with developmental disabilities with their community

70 years ago, parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities wanted to find a way to change the public’s perception of their kids.

They wanted everyone to know their sons and daughters had extraordinary potential just like other children. From that grassroots movement, the Arc of Greensboro came to life, and with the help of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, it’s still proving the possibilities are endless.

The day before Halloween, lines of cars and people in costumes filled the parking lot of the Arc of Greensboro, but this wasn’t an ordinary Halloween party. This trunk or treat invited the public in to mix with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities so they could see they’re just like everyone else.

“Our people are often marginalized and isolated, so to provide a place where not only they can come but we can invite the community in is tremendously important,” says Jamie Rauschkolb, an employee at the Arc. She says it’s “not just for us and the people we serve but for our entire community cohesively.”

This was the second year the Arc sponsored the Halloween event. Former employee Nancy Overby came back with her son. “It’s important because without those events, Nicholas and his peers would not have anything to do, and this is a great way for them to get together and just be involved.”

Getting people involved and out in the community is one of the Arc’s biggest goals. In addition to events such as the trunk or treat, the organization helps adults with disabilities find jobs and navigate challenges they may face after being hired. The agency’s executive director says it’s important for both participants as well as the general public.

The Arc of Greensboro is located on Battleground Court just off Battleground Avenue and West Wendover. You can get more information about the available programs at

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